You can contact the British Clematis
Society in several ways:
E-mail us
You should be able to start your own e-mail program by clicking
Our general e-mail address is:
The mail is checked regularly, but please understand that the Society is run
by volunteers, responses are given as quickly as time permits.
Alternatively post your question on the forum where there are many knowledgeable amateur and professional people who can answer your questions.
Queries via e-mail: We are getting an increasing number
of enquiries on the website about growing clematis. We are taking steps
to add the most common queries to our 'Questions & Answers' page. Please
look there first to see if your question is already answered.
If you need clarification or if the answer to your question is not there,
please send an email to the above address.
If you require us to identify your clematis please provide as much information
as you can as such descriptions as large purple flowers is not very helpful
when there are hundreds that could match this cv.
If you can please provide information such as size of flower, colour, height,
nodding, upright, double, single, size of leaf (with serrations or without),
habit (climbing/non-climbing), time of year it flowers and how old it is.
If you can please provide a photograph this helps tremendously although
I cannot guarantee a certain identification even wth this method.
Write to the BCS
All general correspondence for the BCS should be addressed to:
BCS Chairman,
Saffron Gate,
Tickners Heath,
GU6 8HU,
United Kingdom
Other e-mail and postal addresses for specific BCS
purposes will be found on the appropriate pages of
this site.