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The BCS is a membership based organisation and members pay an annual membership fee. Although we are based in the United Kingdom, we welcome applications to join us from anyone elsewhere in the world.

If you would like to join the BCS, please print yourself a copy of the application form which can be found by clicking here (please note that student and life membership are no longer available) and send it to our Membership Secretary together with your payment. You may pay by cheque or postal order, or use any of the on line methods listed below. However if joining using the on line method (Paypal) please state this on the application form when you send it in. Please note that when joining for the first time via Paypal we also need this application form as it helps the society in verifying your details and us to claim gift aid. If it helps you can scan your form and send it electronically to the membership secretary whose email address is shown on the form.
If you are an existing member who wishes to renew your membership you can do so without completing another application form unless your contact details have changed or you wish to join the Gift Aid scheme. Again, any of the listed payment methods can be used but if renewing by cheque, please print your full name and membership number on the back before you send it to the membership Secretary (address is shown below or on the application form - click here).

Alternative methods of payment are listed further down below the paypal buttons.

Note if joining for the first time you must also send the membership secretary a copy of this form click here with your details (scanned or via post), otherwise processing your application may be delayed.

Single Membership UK



Single Membership Europe


Single Membership Outside Europe




Joint Membership
(2 at the same address)


Joint Membership
(2 at the same address)


Joint Membership
(2 at the same address)
Outside Europe


The application form should open in a new browser window. In order to load the form directly you will need an up-to-date copy of Acrobat Reader; if you do not already have a copy you can download it from here.  Payments from applicants in the UK should be by cheque made out to the "British Clematis Society". Alternatively you can pay with a Standing Order Mandate Straight from your bank to the BCS. All you need to do is download this document, fill in the details and send it in with your application form. Payments from applicants overseas should likewise be payable to the "British Clematis Society" and can take the form of:

  • A Sterling Bank Draft drawn on a London Office of any bank.
  • An International Money Order payable in the UK.
  • Foreign cheques drawn on an overseas bank plus an extra £8 to cover bank charges.

Please post the form and payment where applicable to:

The Membership Secretary,
British Clematis Society,
Townfield Lane,
Tel: +44 (0) 1244 851327

You can contact the membership secretary by clicking here.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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