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The BCS publishes a number of fact sheets that provide a valuable insight to choosing and growing clematis. These have all been written by expert members of the Society and are based on a wealth of personal experience. Currently available titles are:
A Guide to Pruning Clematis:
Describes when and how to prune new and established plants as well as
Identifying their pruning group if you don't know the plants name.
Clematis for Year Round Colour:
This is aimed at newcomers to clematis and recommends plants that are relatively easy to grow, for year round flowering.
Growing Clematis in Containers:
Describes how clematis can be grown successfully in containers and provides a list of suitable candidates.
Growing Plants from the Viticella Group:
How to propogate and grow this versatile and easy going group of plamts.
Growing Herbaceous Clematis:
How to propogate and grow this versatile and easy going group of plamts.
What's Wrong with my Clematis:
Common problems with clematis and how to treat them.
Basic Guide to Growing Clematis:
A General guide on how to grow Clematis.
These fact sheets can usually be obtained at any shows at which the society is in attendance.
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