The Clematis' is a journal of record for the Society, containing a pleasing mixture of authoritative articles on the genus, news and notes for gardeners and humorous anecdotes. The Clematis is a high quality publication and its articles are well supported by many colour photographs.
The Clematis 2021
This edition has over 145 pages containing many interesting articles as well as the more usual society correspondence - unfortunately due to the large number of articles in this edition only the main sections along with a few articles have been listed below:-

1. Your Society
2. Garden Lives and Clematis
Tips Worth Sharing
Vine Weevil
A Little Corner of Jersey
A Clematis Journey
Clematis as Cut Flowers
3. Growers and Nurseries
New Leaf Plants - A Wholesale Clematis Nursery
The Old Garden Nursery
In Persuit of the Burfords
The Jackmans of Woking
4. Cultivars, Species, Groups
Clematis terniflora
Notes on Clematis 'Aromatica'
Is Clematis 'jackmanii' True to Name or Not?
Clematis in Mediterranean and Temperate Zones
Clematis 'Paul Farges'
Clematis 'Tie Dye'
5. Propagation and Breeding
Interesting Clematis
Growing Clematis from Seed in Limited Space
How to Prune Clematis
Testing New Cultivars
6. IClS and Registrations
The Clematis 2022-23
This edition has over 145 pages containing many interesting articles as well as the more usual society correspondence - unfortunately due to the large number of articles in this edition only the main sections along with a few articles have been listed below:-

1. Your Society
2. Garden Lives and Clematis
Can Clematis Still be a Hobby
The View from Clematis Corner 2022
Water, Soils and Growing Healthy Clematis
Something Old, Something New...
Saving Threatened Clematis Plants
The Winter Garden 2022
News From the Bowers
3. Growers and Nurseries
Viorn Group and Hybrids in the Summer Garden
Thomas Cripps (1809-1888), Past Nurserymen
4. Cultivars, Species, Groups
Hansyooduru of Japan
What's in a Name
What's in a Name Part II
My Experience with 'Niobe'
'Buckland Longshanks' or 'Longshrunk'' '
5. Tributes
The Clematis 2023-24
This edition has over 120 pages containing many interesting articles as well as the more usual society correspondence - unfortunately due to the large number of articles in this edition only the main sections along with a few articles have been listed below:-

1. Your Society
2. Clematis in our Gardens
Clematis for Year Round Colour
From Small Beginnings to This
Herbaceous - My Second Llove
3. Propagation, Breeding & Growing Clematis
Charles Noble of Suningdale
Some of Jim Fisk's Introductions
C. 'Prosperity' and its Offspring
Breeding Clematis
Dr John Howells; The lesion of Stem Rot
Vulnerability to Wilt in Large Flowered clematis
4. New Clematis Registrations